The word REIKI means universal life energy and consists of two parts. The syllable REI descrbes the Universal aspect of energy, while KI is named: Chi by the Chinese. Light or Holy Ghost by the Christians, Prana by the Hindus, Mana by the Kahuna, Ka by the Egyptians, Jesod by the Jewish Cabalists, Wakan by the Sioux, and Healing Power of Nature by Hippocrates.These terms all refer to one and the same basic energy though the applications and the theories concerning them differ greatly.
There is a state of being which contains all creation and out of which all life arises. The energy of this state of being lives in all things. It is this energy that flows through the hands of the practitioner. They are the connection the energy moves through, we all have this connection just not as intense, the higher self directs the energy to where it is needed. There is always more then enough healing energy for helping our bodies heal. It is a matter of what we feel we can recieve or deserve that makes the difference.
Subtle Body Energy
The following text I took from an article by Gail Montgomery I found it profound, exciting, and thought provoking.
"What we generally called "the aura" is subtle body energies that are visible to those who can see colors surrounding the physical body. I daily "repair" my subtle bodies through requests to my healing guides. The etheric body is the white light of the Higher Self, My struggles with life's challenges can dull and damage this light. This is true for everyone. My Solution is to ask my Higher Self to fill in AND brighten my etheric body.
When we can clean up the evergy of the illness before it maifests in the physical body we will perhaps have moved ourselves to a whole new paradim of health and healing. We have the best hope for our physical body's healing if all of our subtle bodies are in great shape and if there is only positive influence from the subtle body toward our physical bodies. "
Think of the possibities this brings to us, to be able to help our body start receiving healing and as much as we want!